Intruder Alarms | Burgular Alarm Installation Epping, Essex
At A2Z Fire and Security we believe prevention is better than cure and think no person, family, business or home should be left unprotected. Our control equipment is designed to meet the demands of all aspects of security needs and standards that the user, the police and the Insurance industry will need. We believe only the leading technology is acceptable for our customers to offer the most flexibile system and ease of use. All our intruder alarm systems are bespoke and designed to each and every customer’s requirements where we can monitor systems with Police response via our monitoring stations if required.
Household Burglary in the UK – Facts and Figures
How common is burglary?
- Every 37 seconds a home somewhere in Britain is burgled.
- Every year there are over 1 million burglaries and attempted burglaries.
- 20% of households experience more than one incident a year. 13% are burgled twice and 7% three or more times.
Which houses are targeted?
- In a road, the burglar will choose the property without visible signs of security, such as security lighting or alarm bell boxes, over those with such devices.